Lambo - Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Friday, November 30, 2012

WEEK 6 - Mortar and Pestle

Mortar and Pestle's Idea^^


1. Teachers use the chalk ( pestle ) to write anything on the blackboard by teaching student. However, they use a bowl ( mortar ) to fill in the chalk.

2. By using the mortar and pestle to do a bamboo dragonfly like " Doremon " have to fly to anywhere.

3. People smoke by using cigarette ( pestle ) and throw it into a bowl ( mortar ).

4. People use a bowl ( mortar ) to fill the food and use the chopsticks ( pestle ) to eat.


Friday, November 23, 2012

WEEK 5 - Mind-Mapping

Do you know what is the meaning of Mind Mapping? 
Why everybody say that mind mapping is very useful?

Don't worry.....Let me explain with you.....

Meaning of Mind Mapping ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word on text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, other items related to a central key word or idea.

     Mind maps can be drawn by hand, either as " rough notes " during a lecture or meeting, for exmaple, or as higher quality pictures when more time is available. An example of a rough mind map is illustrated. 
     Other terms for this diagramming style are : " spider diagrams ", " spidergrams ", " spidergraphs ", " webs ", " mind webs ", or " webbing " and " idea sun bursting ".

Origin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     Diagrams that visually map information using branching and radial maps trace centuries. These pictorial methods record knowledge and model systems, and a long history in learning, brainstorming, memory, visual thinking, and problem solving by educators, engineers, psychologists, and others. Some of the earlier examples of such graphical records were developed by Porphyry of Tyros, a noted thinker of the 3rd century, as he graphically visualized the concept categories of Aristotle. Philosopher Ramon Llull ( 1235 - 1315 ) also used such techniques.

     The semantic network was developed in the late 1950s as a theory to understand human learning and developed further by Allan M. Collins and M. Ross Quillian during the early 1960s.

Guidelines for creating a Mind Map ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1. Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colours.
2. Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map.
3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
4. Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line.
5. The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The central lines are thicker, organic and thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support.
7. Use multiple colours throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also to encode or group.
8. Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
9. Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
10. Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to embrace your branches.

***** This list is itself more concise than a prose version of the same information and the mind map of these guidelines is itself intended to be more memorable and quicker to scan than either the prose or the list.

Uses :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     As with other diagramming tools, mind maps can be used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions, and writing.

     Mind maps have many applications in personal, family, educational, and business situations, including note taking, brainstorming ( wherein ideas are inserted into the map radially around the center node, without the implicit prioritization that comes from hierarchy or sequential arrangements, and wherein grouping and organizing is reserved fr later stages ), summarizing, as a mnemonic technique, or to sort out a complicated idea. Mind maps are also promoted as a way to collaborate in colour pen creativity sessions. 

Mind Map can be used for :--
==> Problem solving
==> Outline / framework design
==> Structure / relationship representations
==> Anonymous collaboration
==> Marriage of words and visuals
==> Individual expression of creativity
==> Condensing material into a concise and memorable format
==> Team building or synergy creating activity
==> Enhancing work morale
*****Data retrieved from mind maps can be used to enhance several other applications, for instance*****
          expert search systems, search engines and search and tag query recommender. To do so, 
          mind maps can be analysed with classic methods of information retrieval to classify a mind map
          's author or documents that are linked from within the mind map.

Differences from others visualizations ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Concept maps :-- mind maps differ from concept maps in that mind maps focus on only one word or idea, 
whereas concept maps connect multiple words or ideas. Also, concept maps typically have text labels on their connecting lines / arms. Mind maps are based on radial hierarchies and tree structures denoting relationships with a central governing concept, whereas concept maps are based on connections between concepts in more diverse patterns. However, either can be part of a larger personal knowledge base system.

Modelling graphs :-- There is no rigorous right or wrong with mind maps, relying on the arbitrariness of 
mnemonic systems. A UML diagram or a semantic network has structured elements modelling relationships, with lines connecting objects to indicate relationship. This is generally done in black and white with a clear and agreed iconography. Mind maps serve a different purpose: they help with memory and organization. Mind maps are collections of words structured by the mental context of the author with visual mnemonics, and through the use of colour, icons and visual links, are informal and necessary to the proper functioning of the mind map.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

WEEK 4 - Understanding Creativity Better

Look at people and times to understand creativity better................

--What traits made them?
--What environmental conditions existed?
--What was the process of creativity?


     Do you know who is he?
     Dunno leh?
     Let me tell you who is he.......
     He is Vespasian....

     This week blog I would like to say about his handsome guy -- Vespasian....
About him ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Reign :-- 1 July 69 - 23 June 79
Full Name :-- Titus Flavius Vespasianus ( from birth to accession )
                      Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus ( as Emperor )
Born :-- 17 November 9
Birth Place :-- Falacrina, Italy
Died :-- 23 June 79 ( aged 69 )
Buried :-- Rome


Do you know what building is it?
Yup, this building is Colosseum......

About Colosseum ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Location :-- IV Templum Pacis ( Latin : " Temple of Peace " )
Built in :-- ca. 70 - 80 AD
Built by / for :-- Vespasian , Titus
Type of Structure :-- Amphitheatre
Related :-- List of Ancient Monuments in Rome
Rome Plan

      The Colosseum or the Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire, built of concrete and stone. It is considered one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering.

     Occupying a site just east of the Roman Forum, its construction started in 72 AD, under the emperor Vesparian and was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitian's reign ( 82 - 96 ). The name " Amphitheatrum Flavium " derives from both Vespasian's and Titus's family name ( Flavius , from the gens Flavia ).

     Capable of seating 50,000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles , and dramas based on Classical Mythology. The building ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a fortress, a quarry and a Christian shrine.

     Although in the 21st Century it stays partially ruined because of damage caused by devastating earthquakes and stone-robbers, the Colosseum is an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome. It is one of Rome's most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections with the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchilt " Way of the Cross " procession that starts in the area around the Colosseum. 

     The Colosseum is also depicted on the Italian version of the Five-cent Euro coin.


History ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Ancient :--
A map of central Rome during the Roman Empire, with the Colosseum at the upper right corner

Medieval :--
Map of medieval Rome depicting the Colosseum

Modern :--
     The Colosseum is today one of Rome's most popular tourist attractions, receiving millions of visitors annually. The effects of pollution and general deterioration over time prompted a major restoration programme carried out between 1993 and 2000, at a cost of 40 billion Italian lire ($19.3m / €20.6m at 2000 prices). In recent years it has become a symbol of the international campaign against capital punishment, which was abolished in Italy in 1948. 
     Several anti–death penalty demonstrations took place in front of the Colosseum in 2000. Since that time, as a gesture against the death penalty, the local authorities of Rome change the color of the Colosseum's night time illumination from white to gold whenever a person condemned to the death penalty anywhere in the world gets their sentence commuted or is released, or if a jurisdiction abolishes the death penalty. 
     Most recently, the Colosseum was illuminated in gold when capital punishment was abolished in the American state of New Mexico in April 2009.
     Because of the ruined state of the interior, it is impractical to use the Colosseum to host large events; only a few hundred spectators can be accommodated in temporary seating. 
     However, much larger concerts have been held just outside, using the Colosseum as a backdrop. Performers who have played at the Colosseum in recent years have included Ray Charles (May 2002), Paul McCartney (May 2003), Elton John (September 2005), and Billy Joel (July 2006).
The Colosseum in a 1757 engraving by Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Interior of the Colosseum, Rome. Thomas Cale, 1832. 
Note the Stations of the Cross around the arena and the extensive
 vegetation, both removed later in the 19th century.

Between 1993 and 2000, parts of the outer wall 
were cleaned ( left ) to repair the Colosseum from
 automobile exhaust damage ( right ).

Today, the Colosseum is a background to 
the busy metropolis that is modern Rome


Physical Description ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Exterior :--
The exterior of the Colosseum, showing the partially intact
 outer wall ( left ) and the mostly intact inner wall ( right )

Original facade of the Colosseum

Entrance Lll of the Colosseum, with Roman numerals still risible

Cross-section from the Lexikon der Gesamten Technik ( 1904 )

This painting by Gioranni Paolo Panini depicts a 
fanciful reconstruction of the Colosseum.
 The Walters Art Museum

Interior Seating :--
Side view of Colosseum seating

Interior of the Colosseum

Arena and Hypogeum :--
The Colosseum arena, showing the Hypogeum

Detail of the Hypogeum

Supporting Building :--
The Coloseum - a view from the Oppian Hill


Uses :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

     The Colosseum was used to host gladiatorial shows as well as a variety of other events. The shows, called Munera, were always given by private individuals rather than the state. They had a strong religious element but were also demonstrations of power and family prestige, and were immensely popular with the population. 

     Another popular type of show was the animal hunt, or Venatio. This utilized a great variety of wild beasts, mainly imported from Africa and the Middle East, and included creatures such as rhinoceros, hippopotamuses, elephants, giraffes, aurochs, wisents, Barbary lions, panthers, leopards, bears, Caspian tigers, crocodiles and ostriches. Battles and hunts were often staged amid elaborate sets with movable trees and buildings. Such events were occasionally on a huge scale; Trajan is said to have celebrated his victories in Dacia in 107 with contests involving 11,000 animals and 10,000 gladiators over the course of 123 days.

     During the early days of the Colosseum, ancient writers recorded that the building was used for naumachiae ( more properly known as navalia proelia ) or simulated sea battles. Accounts of the inaugural games held by Titus in AD 80 describe it being filled with water for a display of specially trained swimming horses and bulls. There is also an account of a re-enactment of a famous sea battle between the Corcyrean, Greeks and the Corinthians. This has been the subject of some debate among historians; although providing the water would not have been a problem, it is unclear hoe the arena could have been waterproofed, nor would there have been enough space in the arena for the warships to move around. It has been suggested that the reports either have the location wrong, or that the Colosseum originally featured a wide floodable channel down its central axis ( which would later have been replaced by the hypogeum ).

     Sylvae or recreations of natural scenes were also held in the arena. Painters, technicians and architects would construct a simulation of a forest with real trees and bushes planted in the arena's floor, and animals would then be introduced. Such scenes might be used simply to display a natural environment for the urban population, or could otherwise be used as the bankdrop for hunts or dramas depicting episodes from mythology. They were also occasionally used for executions in which the hero of the story - played by a condemned person - was killed in one of various gruesome but mythologically authentic ways, such as being mauled by beasts or burned to death.

Pollice Verso by Jean Leon Gerome

A panorama of the interior of the Colosseum in 2011


Monday, November 19, 2012

WEEK 3 - PC is dead, long life Tablet

Invention and Innovation
Relationship between Invention and Innovation

      An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. It may be an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result. An invention that achieves a completely unique function or result may be a radical breakthrough.

     The idea for an invention may be developed on paper or on a computer, by writing or drawing, by trail and error, by making models, by experimenting, by testing and/or by making the invention in its whole form. Brainstorming also can spark new idea for an invention.

     Innovation is the development of new customers value through solutions that meet new needs, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in new ways. This is accomplished through different or more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments, and society.

     Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing something different rather than doing the same thing better.

     Now a day, we can see all the people use Smartphone and Tablet. Not only the adult use it, the children and teenagers also have at least one of them on their hand. Technology are slowly come into our daily life. Technology are be a important part in our life.
     Smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. The first Smartphones combined the functions of a Personal Digital Assistant ( PDA ) with a mobile phone. Later models, added the functionality of Portable Media Players, Low-end Compact Digital Cameras, Pocket Video Cameras, and GPS Navigation Units to form one multi-use device. Many modern Smartphones also include high-resolution touchscreens and web browsers that display standard web pages as well as mobile optimized sites. High-speed data access is provided by Wi-Fi and Mobile Broadband.

     The Mobile Operating System ( OS ) used by modern smartphones include Google's Android, Apple's iOS, Nokia's Symbian, RIM's BlackBerry OS, Samsung's Bada, Microsoft's Windows Phone, Hewlett-Packard's WebOS, embedded Linux distributions such as Maemo and MeeGo. Such operating systems can be installed on many different phone models, and typically each device can receive multiple OS software updates over its lifetime.

     Tablet is a mobile computer, larger than a mobile phone or personal digital assistant, integrated into a flat touch screen and primarily operated by touching the screen and instead of using a physical keyboard, it often uses an onscreen virtual keyboard. A tablet may be connected to a keyboard with a wireless link or USB port. In my opinion, tablet is very useful compare to PC, it can take out everywhere. When we come to a place that contain wireless, it also can connect the wireless and using the Internet to browse Facebook and others. 


WEEK 3 - How would make you to become a creative/invention/innovation person

2. And this one 20071644. Ask yourself what kind of environment,
    situation etc, would make you to bacome a creative/invention/innovation person?
     Hey, is it creativity can be taught?

     This is a question without a simply yes or no answer.

     Creativity may not be able to be taught directly, but what you can get better at is frequently aligning the circumstances of life which faster the greatest chances for true creative expression. Creativity is not like a lightning strike, but more like something which bubbles up inside those who can create the right conditions for it to proper. 
Creating a Creative Environment for Brainstorming:
     Hey, guys....All of you know what is creative environment? Let me tell you clearly...

     Creative environment is one where people feel comfortable in expressing their ideas and where constructive support is given in the environment and analysis of those ideas. 

     You are in a creative environment when
     * your ideas are listened to and investigated before being judged.
     * you feel appreciated when you suggest new ideas.
     * you can suggest solutions to others without feeling like you are intruding.
     * you are appreciated for what you do.
     * you are appreciated for who you are.

Example of Comfortable Environment


Friday, November 2, 2012

WEEK 2 - 5 Words associated and not associated to ' creativity '

Creativity :-
Examples of Creativity:

5 words associated to ' creativity ’:

1. imagination
    - is an ability of forming new images and ideas when they are not perceived through sight, hearing, and
      others senses. Imagination helps provide meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge.

      In my opinion, imagination is the best way to create somethings new and special. If people have good
      imagination, they will be get many good ideas. Creativity in something is not only refit to something which
      already create by someone. Creativity is to think and imagine something that haven be create and special.

2. ideas
    - is a concept or mental impression. Before we want to create something, we must have an idea. Without
      the idea, we don't know what kinds of things we want to form.

    - Unique means unusual. Unusual things like this building.
   Have you seen this kinds of building? For me, I never seen it before. This building's designer is so creative. 
   Looking it from front, it feels like this building wants to tumble. But it is so unique.

4. Creation
    - creation is an invention or an artwork.
     Have you seen this kind of car before? I haven't see it before. But it is so interesting. I believe that many 
     children will like it. Even I also like it. Maybe I also can design my dear car like it...Haha...So creative.

5. Innovation
    - innovation is the introduction of something new. For example, the button phone like Nokia, Sony and
      others before had changed into the smartphone like iPhone nowadays.
Button Phone

iPhone 5


5 words not associated to ' creativity ':

1. colourless
    - if our designs are colourless, they cannot attract others person attention.

2. boring
    - designs of people which are lacking of in interest as to cause mental weariness. So, when the others
      people saw your designs, they will not interest to investigate your designs slowly and patiently. And your
      designs will lacked from attention.

3. flat
    - your designs are having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another. So,
      it became normal and normal compare with others.

4. dull
    - not interesting and cannot attract attention form people. So, the artwork is not beautiful and creativity.
    If a dull artwork compare with a colourful artwork, of course the colourful artwork will be more attracted
    by the people....
    For example, if dull in the living environment, our lives must be very tired stuffy.

5. normal
    - if your artwork is normal ,no have prominent. It is not creative also not interesting.
