1. It should be a stopper of the wine or whisky bottle....Besides, by adding something as in the figure
showed, it can pour the wine or whisky properly and also can control to pour much and waste the wine
and whisky.
2. This small red thing maybe is a small cup that we use to eat the medicine while we are small. This type of
small cup can measure the volume of medicine that the doctor said.
3. This object maybe is a instrument that fill the chalk. By my guess, this thing can fill maybe 3 chalk in one
moment. Besides, teacher or others can use this to fill 3 type of colours of chalk , so they no need to
change the chalk when they want different colours of chalk. Other than that, when they use this instrument,
their hand will more clean compare to no using this instrument.
4. This red curiosity object maybe is a stopper of juicer. That can be used to stir juice, for example, apple
can make apple juice after stir it and also orange, pineapple, and others.
5. It maybe is a biscuits model. We can use this biscuits model to print on the dough and make some
delicious and beautiful biscuits.